It is now easier than ever to join me for one of my workshops. We’ve had to adapt to online learning and virtual connections and workshops are now widely accessible and a community of practice can grow across distance.
Still, my focus lies on raising self-awareness, fostering mindfulness and creating a caring, interactive learning environment. I believe that a supportive environment encourages curious inquiry and enables dialogue. This brings forth hidden wisdom and insights. Learning then becomes a process of remembering and collaborative exploration.
I facilitate a variety of palliative care training events. The two most popular webinars consist of three and four parts respectively:

'Being with Sorrow'
This three-part webinar could be seen as a foundational exploration of loss and grief and makes a perfect first module. We gather in a small group to stop and take time to be with what longs to be attended to in our hearts, bodies and minds.
In addition to educational input on the personal, cultural and global dimensions of grief, time will be given for individual reflections through writing, sharing in small break-away groups and in group discussions.
The sessions are offered in a spirit of reflective inquiry and the group size is kept small. The fee is pay-what-you-can.
'Being with Another'
This is a natural second step once you have looked at how to ’be with sorrow’. In this four-part webinar you will have the opportunity to investigate the counselling relationship in some depth and explore foundational skills in supporting and accompanying others in their difficult times. This online workshop will be useful if you work in healthcare or any of the helping professions. And if you would like to improve your relationships and learn to navigate difficult conversations or if you are a (lay) counsellor, this course is for you.

Many organisations and individuals who would most benefit from the kind of training I offer face financial difficulties. I am therefore offering all of my training on a pay-what-you-can basis. Please note that pay-what-you-can does not mean ‘pay-as-little-as you-can-get-away-with’.
What is does mean is that those who are able to generously pay a bit more will support others who are unable to contribute as they might wish to. In this way, we create a fair value exchange among each other as a community, each contributing according to their capacity; no questions asked.
I am continually amazed at the generosity and community spirit I encounter and therefore no-one is ever excluded because of a lack of funding. Everyone has a place at this table.
A smartphone is sufficient but a laptop or desktop computer are preferable. You’ll need to install zoom before the webinar. And for the webinar itself, you need to be set up in a quiet and private environment. Headphones are optional.
The topics I cover cut to the heart of the human experience. They are therefore relevant for people of all professional backgrounds and skill levels and I have successfully facilitated training sessions for anyone form prison inmates to hospice volunteers as well as postgraduate palliative care experts. If you are interested in taking a deeper look at living well and dying well, you will get something out of these courses.
The short answer is no. The courses are offered to small groups and the mutual support of the participants is a vital element of the interaction.
Each session carefully builds on the previous one and it is not advisable to skip a session.
Unfortunately there are no CPD points available at this time.